Sunday, September 20, 2009

2 boys and a ?

We went for our 20 week ultrasound last week and found out that Baby B is another boy!!! Baby A is still a complete's brothers were hogging all the space and we couldn't get a good shot. So hopefully within the next couple of weeks we'll find out about Baby A. Until then, we're thrilled to have 2 boys, and overall 3 very healthy babies who are growing bigger and stronger every day.

Below are pictures of A,B, & C. They are looking more and more like little babies...aren't they cute? I mean, I know we're bias, but still!!

Baby A: all curled up, poor thing doesn't have much room!
Baby B: great profile pic, he seems to be our most photogenic!
Baby C: actually flipped upside down during the ultrasound, this one's a mover!

And here's mom at 21 weeks, growing bigger by the day. Tonight I felt the first really hard kicks, enough for Rich to feel. So fun! Sometimes I still can't believe this is real. It almost seems like a dream to have these miracles. Praise God!!


  1. I can't decide whether i'm hoping you find out Baby A is a boy or girl. 3 boys is lots of fun..... =) Glad everything is going well!

  2. You look fantastic and the babies are so precious! I can't believe what great pictures they got of all of them. So good to talk to you the other day. Love you guys!

  3. AHHH!!! Yay!!!!! How fun is this!?!?!?! You look great, Julie. And those pictures...WOW! They're all quite photogenic. :) Can't wait to see them on the outside! Love you.

  4. I wish I could be there! I'm indescribably excited for you!!

  5. Hooray, Julie & Rich! So excited for you all!! And I'm hoping Baby A is a sweet adorable girl!!
