Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve with the Babies

Happy New Year everyone. With this new year comes more good news from the NICU. The best news is that Julie is now able to nurse all three of the babies. Kayla was the surprise. She is a few days behind her brothers in progress, but she was able to nurse as well, and ate more that the nurses thought she would.

Braden is showing signs of being a true Hess, and is eating everything he can get in his mouth. For his last few feedings, he took all his food through a bottle, and didn't have to use the feeding tube, which is great news. Braden's other big news is that he is officially out of the incubator, and into what they call the "Big Boy Crib". They said he was able to keep his temperature regulated by himself that first night in the crib. That, combined with him being able to eat completely from a bottle means that he is just about ready to come home (the nurses are saying possibly Monday or Tuesday!).

Kayla is eating much better than she has been. Now that she is off the oxygen, they have started feeding her through the bottle, and she is adapting slow, but is making progress every day.

Daniel is right behind his brother. He still hasn't taken 100% of a feeding through a bottle yet, but he is getting close. The nurses said that he is also showing signs of being able to regulate his body temperature, and they might try him in the Big Boy Crib soon as well.

Those are the updates, and here are the pictures:

Here is Braden in his new Big Boy Crib

Daniel trying to hold his own bottle

Kayla peeking out of her incubator window

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