Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More pictures...23.5 weeks

I went to the doctor again last week for another LONG ultrasound. Let me tell you, this was the first one where I couldn't wait for it to be over. Laying on your back for 1.5 hours with someone pressing down on your belly just stops being fun after about 10 minutes. The bigger I get, the more uncomfortable staying in one position is! But all things considered, it was still great to see the babies. They are getting so big and we got some great pics!

Baby Girl A: Measuring at 1.4 lbs. Still all crunched up...poor thing. But got a nice profile of her this time.

Baby Boy B: Measuring at 1.7 lbs. Our little photogenic one...I love this first one where it looks like he's sleeping. :)

Baby Boy C: Measuring at 1.5 lbs. Great profile pics of our sweet boy.

In other medical news, I failed my glucose test that they gave me so I have to go for another 3 hour test this week. I'm just praying that I pass this next one as having gestational diabetes would not be fun. (I'm at a higher risk for this since I'm carrying multiples.) However, even if I do have it, I hear you can control it pretty well through diet, which wouldn't be awful to do. But I have to admit that I would miss the little ice cream and dessert treats I allow myself these days!

We've started packing up the condo for our move too and it is so strange. I've really loved loved living here for the last 7 years and it seems surreal that we won't be calling this place "home" anymore. Rich has been doing a lot of the packing too since I'm now on "partial" bed rest. It makes me feel so helpless not to be able to help, but everyone keeps reminding me to enjoy it while it lasts. Soon, I won't be able to even think straight!

1 comment:

  1. 1.5 hours!!! Ugh! I just had an ultrasound last Thursday and that was pretty uncomfortable. It felt like forever and mine was probably done in like ten minutes.
