Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Gestational Diabetes!!

I was so relieved this week to get the news that I passed my glucose test!!! Of course I had to call them to get the results (I guess in that world, no news is good news), but I am so very relieved. I know it wouldn't have been a huge deal, but it's definitely nice to have one less thing to worry about. Plus, I can still enjoy my sugary treats now and then. :)

We are in the process of packing up the condo and getting ready for our move in 2 weeks! Ahhhh!!! I obviously haven't been contributing much to the packing, but my husband has been wonderful and I feel like we're making good progress. My parents are also driving out this weekend with some furniture that we are inheriting from my grandparents. I'm so thankful for their willigness to bring all this out, it will make our move so much easier and give us furniture to fill our new space! My mom will also get to be here for the baby shower my church is having for me. So fun!

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for another quick check up. I can barely believe that I'm at 25 weeks already. Where does the time go??? It has been fun lately to feel the babies kicking quite a bit. These are such wonderful reminders of the gift these lives truly are. So in the midst of being uncomfortable and tired a lot, I am being reminded that it is all worth it. I can barely wait to meet these three little miracles.


  1. Julie!!!! Hi! I started reading your blog last week I think. I'm so excited for everything for you guys! I heard your closing date is 5 days before when ours is scheduled!! I'm glad to hear you don't have the gestational diabetes. That's a relief!

  2. Blessings on all five of you, Rich and Julie. Where do you guys live? Do you live in a hat-worthy climate? I've been knitting some amazing things and would love to do up a little threesome of something. Much love and prayers from the Haymes Family.

  3. Hi Grace! You are so sweet! We definitely live in a hat-worthy climate...we're in Chicago so cold weather is already starting to set in! I won't turn away your offer if you are interested in knitting something for the little ones. I'm sure it will go to very good use here! Thanks so much for thinking of us, we appreciate your thoughts and prayers. :)
