Monday, November 2, 2009

27 weeks pregnant and Halloween

Well, I'm getting bigger by the minute. Man, I barely recognize myself these days. Things are still going well. I go back for another ultrasound this week. I can't wait to see how much they have grown! I will apologize in advance that we probably won't post those pics till sometime next week. With the move happening this week, it may take us a little bit to get back on track!

We did take a break from packing on Saturday to go to our neighbor's Halloween Party. It was a lot of fun and Rich came up with a brilliant costume idea for me as you can see below. We got a lot of compliments on it! We will certainly miss our neighbors when we move. They have been lots of fun and we really wish we could take them with us!


  1. Leave it to Rich to come up with something like that! You guys are so cute!

  2. I can't believe I have to miss all of this! I'm so incredibly excited to see your pictures, I just can't wait to see you in person again! Miss you!
    Hugs and kisses! Get plenty of rest. ;)
