Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Family Picture

The babies are now 5 days old, and they are doing great. Kayla is making good progress, and is right about where they expect her to be for her size. The boys on the other hand are exceeding the doctors expectations. We couldn't be prouder of the progress our three little ones are making.

On Christmas in the NICU, the nurses gave us the best present we could have asked for. Since the boys were doing so well, the nurses were able to take them off of their monitors for a few minutes, and bring them over by their sister so we could take our first family picture. And as a bonus, the nurses walked the boys over to the window in the door of the NICU, and Aunt Erin, Uncle Caleb, & Uncle Brian were able to see their nephews for the first time.

Braden is on the Left, Kayla is in the middle, and Daniel is on the right.

Here they are all together up close.

Here are some other shots of the babies in the last few days...

Here we are holding our two boys.

Kayla, Braden, & Daniel with their eyes open.

Peeking through the windows of their incubators.

And of course lots more Grandma & Grandpa time.

Julie is now home from the Hospital, which is bitter-sweet. We are thankful that she was well enough to leave, but it is sad that we are no longer a short elevator trip from seeing the babies. Thank you all for your prayers and support. And who knows, maybe the next post will include a video...



  1. Rob and I love the pictures where they have their eyes open, they are the most beautiful babies! The incubator pictures really takes us back to when Hannah and Callan were in the NICU. When they were able to co-bed, the nurses swaddled them both in one blanket, we called it the "double baby burrito". You'll need a big blanket, but a triple baby burrito would be even cuter. Take a million pictures, they grow up fast!

  2. They are beautiful! And Rich, you look great too - just kidding, I mean you do, but Julie looks amazing. So glad to hear they're doing so well - a Christmas you'll never forget...thanks for the updates, keep em comin. Love, karen and gerald
